Saturday, February 24, 2007

Personal update 2/24/07

It's hard to really know whether anyone is reading this thing or not, as I am only notified if one of my posts gets a comment... But in case anyone is, I apologize for not posting much this week. My mother, who has been having health problems for the last year-and-a-half or more, and has been in a nursing facility since shortly before Thanksgiving, has been back in the hospital. Among other things, we've learned that in addition to her physical problems, she is now suffering from some form of dementia/Alzheimers. Relatively mild, so far, but very sad news, nonetheless.

She has long been the strong tower of support for and living core of our family, a true "matriarch" in a good and positive sense. I cannot possibly enumerate all the things she means to me, or all the good things she's done for me over the years of growing up, and even into adulthood. She has been my best friend and confidant, throughout my entire life (with a few blips in late adolescence and early 20s, when most of us tend to distance ourselves from our parents). To see her so ravaged and diminished by disease, both of body and now of mind as well, and at her age -- 79 is not a "spring chicken," of course, but nowadays it's not so old, either -- has been heart-breaking.

Needless to say, her situation has been taking up the lion's share of my time and mental, emotional, and spiritual energy. Hopefully next week, if or as things settle out a bit, I'll be able (and inspired) to post more. And if you are of a religious persuasion, or even if you are not, please join me in praying that what is best for "Ma's" overall wellbeing is what works out.

Thanks for your understanding.


Arimathean said...

There are a number of free site meters available, which track visits to websites. Here is the one I use: said...

Thank you, my friend! I'll check it out.

In "Ma" news, I'm not sure what's going on yet this morning, but last night she was not doing well. She has slight pneumonia in one lung (they've prescribed antibiotics), and may be aspirating thin fluids (water, juice, etc.) as she tries to drink. The result is a frightening combination of coughing and gurgling, rattling breath, as if her lungs were filling up.

I fear that my nurse sister-in-law is right: that it is her lungs that will ultimately do her in. For whatever reason, be it congestive heart failure, or just the fact that she can't walk much (probably hardly at all, now, having been in the hospital so long) and sits in such a cramped, hunched-over position, her lungs accrue fluid and cannot seem to get clear.

Neither Lasix (to drain fluid from her body) nor respiratory therapy of various types seems to have more than a partial and temporary effect. And of course you can't live like that forever. That said, however, her "pulse ox" (O2 saturation in her blood) was at 94% last night (on supplemental oxygen), up from 88-90% earlier in the day.

As I have said other times in other contexts, my mother is an amazingly strong woman, and if she's not ready to go yet -- as it certainly appears she is not -- she is not going to go without a fight!

Anonymous said...


Just wanted you to know that I do pop in here and browse as time permits. :o)

Take care,